07 Days

Pikey Peak Trek

  • Trip Style: Pikey Peak
  • Ways to Travel: Guided
  • Activities: Culture
  • Group Size: 2-12
  • High Altitude 4065 M
Activity Level: Moderate
4.8 / 5 from Reviews View Review

Trip Overview

Pikey Peak is indeed a hidden gem in the Himalayas, offering one of the most expansive and breathtaking panoramas. This lesser-known trek in the Solukhumbu district provides a unique experience, combining cultural immersion with stunning natural beauty.

As you trek through the region, you’ll pass through villages inhabited by Sherpa, Lama, Rai, and Tamang communities, each with their rich traditions and warm hospitality. The journey to Pikey Peak is moderately challenging, but the rewards are immense, with views stretching from Kanchenjunga in the east to Dhaulagiri in the west. At 13,336 feet (4,065 meters), Pikey Peak itself isn’t the highest point in the Himalayas, but it offers arguably some of the best views of Mount Everest and the surrounding peaks.

The trek is not just about the destination but also the journey, as you’ll traverse a landscape of snow-capped mountains, lush forests, and ancient monasteries, making it a well-rounded adventure that captures the essence of Nepal’s mountainous beauty and cultural richness. If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience with incredible Himalayan vistas, Pikey Peak is an excellent choice.


  • View the Himalaya from one of Sir Edmund Hillary‘s favorite spots
  • Explore the Thubten Choling Monastery on a rest day
  • Enjoy a moderately challenging but underrated trek in the lower Everest region

Detailed Itinerary

  • Day 01 Drive from Kathmandu to Dhap, Trek to Jhapre [2920m] 9,580 feet Local Tea house

    We leave Kathmandu early morning, as we have a big day ahead of us. We follow a Japanese build road, through the mountains to the Sun Kosi River. We then follow the river down for a long time before crossing it and then ascend to Okhaldunga via the Siddicharan Highway. After Okhaldunga, the road gradually climbs, becoming narrower until you reach Dhap, well into the mountains. On a clear day, you can see the peaks of ManasluRolwalingNumburDhudkundaEverestMakalu, and Kanchanjunga from here.

    After the morning’s drive, it’s time to stretch your legs with your first day of trekking. Walk for about three hours to reach the Jhapre, where you’ll spend the night in a tea house, the classic Nepali trekkers’ accommodation. Jhapre sits at 9,580 feet (2920 m), so around double the altitude of Kathmandu and Dhulikhel.

    Hiking time: Approx. 3 hours

  • Day 02 Trek from Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp Tea House

    After breakfast, you’ll hike gradually uphill to Rakhopa, passing Bulbule and stopping for lunch in Lamuje, where you can enjoy sweeping valley views and a scenic stupa (shrine). We pass some old yak herders houses and a long Mani Stone Wall.

    After lunch, the trail passes through a mixed forest until ascending to Pikey Base Camp (11,942 feet/3,640 m).

    Sunsets are particularly beautiful here, with the cool, clean air creating vibrant colors. As night falls, you’ll settle into your accommodations at Pikey Peak Lodge.


    Hiking time: Approx. 6-7 hours

  • Day 03 Trek from Pikey Peak Base Camp to Junbesi Tea House

    Rise before dawn this morning to ascend Pikey Peak in time for the gorgeous sunrise. The hike takes about 50 minutes, and if the weather is clear you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking views from Annapurna to Kanchenjunga.

    Hike down to Jashmane Bhanjhyang for a warm breakfast, then continue on your trek. The undulating trail passes a few Sherpa houses in Taktor before reaching your base for the night in the “Valley of the Moon” or Junbesi (8,858 feet/2,700 m).

    Hiking time: 1 hour (to reach Pikey Peak), Approx 6-7 hours (down to Junbesi)

  • Day 04 Rest Day at Junbesi Tea House

    Enjoy some extra rest and a late breakfast on this well-earned rest day. In the afternoon, you can head to the nearby Thubten Choling Monastery to observe Tibetan Buddhist teachings and observe the practice and lifestyles of nuns and monks, who come here from all over Nepal and Tibet.

  • Day 05 Trek from Junbesi to Taksindu [2960m], Views of Mt. Everest Tea House

    This morning, you’ll depart from Junbesi and head towards Taksindu. After crossing the river at the edge of town, the trail climbs through a forest to Salung, where, weather permitting, you’ll be treated to views of Mount Everest (8848 m), Chamlang (7319 M), and Makalu (8481 m). You’ll also enjoy stunning views across the valley to Chiwong Monastery and down towards Phaplu.

    The trail continues, contouring and then descending to a stream before a short climb into Ringmo, a village famous for its apple orchards. From Ringmo, you’ll make a final short climb to Taksindu La, where more breathtaking mountain views await, followed by a descent to Taksindu Monastry, built in 1946 by the Tengboche Lama, is  usually open in the early morning or late afternoon, and it’s  recommended to leave a donation if you visit.

    Hiking time: Approx. 5-6 hours

  • Day 06 Trek from Taksindu to Phaplu [2459m], Visit Chiwong Gompa Tea House

    Today, leave the main trekking route again and take a beautiful path down to Phaplu through the forest. There’s also the option of hiking up to Chiwong Gompa, perched high on a cliff overlooking the valley. This monastery was founded in 1923 and has magnificent celebrations for the Mani Rimdu festival in autumn. Continue on down into Phaplu and celebrate the completion of a great trek at your cozy tea house.

    Hiking time: Approx. 5-6 hours

  • Day 07 Drive from Phaplu to Kathmandu

    Today we bid farewell to the mountains and board our vehicle for the drive back into the Kathmandu Valley. In Kathmandu, we take you to any hotel, and the evening is yours to relax after a long drive.

    Driving time: Approx. 8 hours

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Chhewang N.Lama from Responsible Treks