The Majestic Limi Valley I Beauty of West Nepal

Written by


Kunchok Nima

Hidden deep within the Himalaya is Humla: the highest, most northern and remote district of Nepal. Humla is culturally diverse, occupied in the northern highlands by Bhotias, and in the southern valleys and riverbeds by the Khasas (Hindus). You will experience these rich and varied cultures as you trek over 16,000 ft passes, through remote villages, and explore ancient monasteries in the vivid Limi Valley.

The Limi valley is the only remaining place where you can still witness the vibrant Tibetan culture and lifestyle, due to the matrimonial relationship between Western Nepal and Tibet. Your trek follows the ancient salt trading and pilgrimage route to the border of Nepal and China, crossing the Nara La pass (15,000 ft/ 4,620 m) and Nyalu La (16,000 ft/ 4,900 m) with spectacular views of the Himalaya.

During this trip , you will have the chance to spot the elusive snow leopard, bharal (Himalayan blue sheep), jackals, kiang (Tibetan wild ass), and musk deer. This trip will take a total of 12-18 days, starting and ending in Kathmandu. However he trek will take approximately 15 days, and will be moderate to strenuous, including high altitude trekking for many hours each day. The majority of this trek will take place above 10,000 ft (3,000 m) in which  you may feel the effects of elevation. The best season for this hike is from May to October, as the passes are likely to be covered in snow the rest of the year.

  • Trip  for 2 weeks through the spectacular and varied Limi Valley
  • Follow the Karnali river as it cuts through spectacular rock formations
  • Bathe in the healing Chugzur hot springs
  • Cross over breathtaking 16,000 ft (4,900 m) passes
  • Wander through ancient Buddhist monasteries

Limi Valley is one of the highlights of Far West Nepal and Pristine Karnali.

How to get there ? 

Unfortunately the easiest way or the only way is by flight to Simikot . One can reach Simikot flight from Nepalgunj and Surkhet. Reaching upon Simikot , you have nice little resorts and hotels . Simikot is administrative  headquater of Humla. Simikot is at the height  2,910m above the sea level. The district covers an area of 5,644 square kilometres which makes it one of the largest  districts of the country. Simikot connects to all the villages and town in Humla .

Depending upon how long you wish to stay in Simikot ; You start to journey to Limi Valley either by jeep drive or by trekking .

  1. Jeep : It takes approximately 7 hours to reach Aita , Limi Resort ; First Limi community Lodge
  2. Trekking : It will take you  4 days if one opted to trek to Limi valley

 Things  to  know before I get there to Limi Valley  ? 

The foremost thing you need to know is that Limi Valley is very culturally preserved and that it falls under restricted area. The people there give their utmost important to the floras and faunas found in this valley. So one should be aware of this . If found  wrong doing , you may end up paying handsome penalty. Limi Valley is located at almost 4000m above sea level and you may still not find teahouses everywhere in the trails .

There are no facilities like your mobile network and internet everywhere except in villages . Hence you should be mentally and physically prepared and be aware of the culture and tradition. There are health post in Villages but not of International standard.

What to expect  from Limi  Valley ?

Each day, traversing this route provided something different, with the  feel  of the fatigue of gazing upon similar scenery; the scale of things here is grand. Rich green terraces lined the valley as if carved from creation; overhead eagles effortlessly soared, whilst wild yak basked in the cool turquoise waters. The smile of hardworking people of limi and their hospitality is priceless. The scenery is glorious, an isolated piece of paradise. Here, as if worn by time, the ancient trade route literally carved its way through the valley wall and waterfalls spouted from the skies above.

Horses graze by Talung , Limi Valley

Best time to Visit Limi Valley ? 

The best time to visit Limi is  from May to Mid November . However people do travel from early March  until  late November. The beauty of trekking in this region is that it doesn’t suffer the monsoon rains that affect the rest of the country.  The valley is completely locked in with heavy snow from December to March .

Here, it’s amazing to look out across deep green gorges, to see snow capped peaks and to lay both scenes above the gurgling turquoise waters of the Karnali River below. The sense of remoteness out here is quite astonishing.

Kyang  in Limi Valley

Kailash Yatra via Limi Valley

The opening of the border between Humla in northwest Nepal and Ngari in southwest Tibet in May 1993 marked a turning point in the history of this sleepy backwater. Pilgrims and traders had been permitted to cross into Tibet from Nepal in carefully monitored groups. Now that Tibet is closed we have developed a new route to see and pray Mount kailash from Lapchi Sher in Limi Valley, Humla.   The route has been more popular after the Indian Guru – Sadhguru visited in 2021.

For the visitor, walking the trails of Humla is like passing a parade of the most exotic cultures surviving in Nepal today. As per the inquiry , Limi Valley is expecting more than 1500 tourists by end  of 2022 , mostly  for Kailash Pilgrimage Tour

Sadhguru Arrives in Daktse ,Limi Valley 2021

Culture :

The local inhabitants of the Limi valley, called the Limey follow the Drikung Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, and there is a small monasteries  in each village.The Limey economy has traditionally been dependent on agriculture, supplemented by pastoralism and trade.

Over history and in the present times, the Limi valley community has had various kinds of close ties with the neighbouring region of Tibet where he Rinchenling gonpa at Halji is said to have been built by Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo in the 11th century AD, and bears significant resemblances with the Tabo monastery in Spiti valley, India – also said to have been built by Rinchen Zangpo. Limi valley is also known for the Lapcha La pass, on the border with Tibet, from where one gets an expansive view of Lake Manasarovar and the distant Mount Kailash on a clear day.


The snow leopard, Himalayan wolf, Tibetan fox, Tibetan gazelle, kiang, argali, Himalayan brown bear, and Himalayan blue sheep have been reported from Limi. Wild yak, once thought to be extinct in Nepal since five decades, was reported from the Limi valley in 2014.Limi valley and its neighbouring parts of upper Humla are rich in bird diversity

In pic : Yak Grazing in Talung Limi Valley

Facts :

Here, a curious paradox exists in which Humla is poverty stricken, possibly one of the poorest regions in the world. Yet, amidst all hardship, the people of limi  glows with smile. Like beacons, their auras shone with a full spectrum of color; the color of hope, acceptance, of compassion. It was here, amidst utter poverty, one will  witness an authentic sense of wealth. The Limi Villages and people have their own way of administration and their own rules , different to the Nepal Government

                                                                                                           In pic : Limi Resort ; Community Lodge set up recently March 2022

Teahouse : There are teahouse or community home-stays in all three villages ; Til Village , Waltse Village and  Zang Village.

Budget              : USD 30 or equivalent per day for  accommodation and food

Permits             : USD 50 per week and additional USD 10 each day

Simikot DDC  : USD  15 per person ( for international tourist

Flights              : USD 325  One way       ( Kathmandu -Nepalgunj – Simikot )  ( International Tourist )

NPR 16000 One way   ( Kathmandu -Nepalgunj – Simikot )  ( domestic  Tourist )

Jeep.                 :  NPR 35000 one way  ( Simikot to Limi Valley ).

*All the rate may prior to change 

In pic : Kitchen Secttion of  Limi Resort , Aita Limi Valley


Hotels in Nepalgunj : Hotel Siddhartha ,

Hotel in Simikot  : Humla Resort  &  Bijay Hotel

Teahouse in Limi : Limi Resort  

Yes Limi Valley  is  “NOW OPEN ” For All .  

For more details contact : [email protected] or visit us at Responsible Treks 

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